Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wow, Are We Blessed!

Would you believe that I got enough donations for this trip within 48 hours of my plea?

Wow, wow, wow!

Lots and lots of donations, as little as $5 all ads up quickly! On top of that, most of these donors are strangers to us! What wonderful people this world has!

I actually didn't even email out to my whole address book. My email program had a meltdown about half way through. But I guess that's no biggie, since it all came through anyway!

I have enough money for the trip and if there's any left over, I'll save it in case we need it for any expenses involved with whatever treatment is ahead of us. I opened a bank account just for this, so that I don't get it mixed up with our personal monies.

But for now, I don't need any further donations.

I am so grateful for everyone who donated.

1 comment:

vickibg said...

Any update from the Nov. 15th conference?